Thursday, May 14, 2009

Come Here!

"Come here to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

"Come here!" --- Incredible!

There is nothing unusual about someone in danger calling out for help, "Come over here! Please help me!" But there is something unusual about a strong person inviting weak people to share his strength.

"Come here to me!" --- Even more incredible!

A physician might, under rare circumstances, invite a sick person to come --- "Make an appointment." With the charitable invitation comes the understanding that the patient comes to be diagnosed, treated, and sent on their way. It's an invitation to help, not to stay.

Jesus invites the sin-sick and soul-weary to stay. "Come here to me" is the invitation. Not come for a diagnosis and prescription, but come to me because I am your help. "I will give you rest" because "I am your rest." That is his invitation.

"Come here to me!" --- Intensely personal!

Jesus invites me to come as if I were the only patient he has; the only sick person he knows; the only burdened human being on the planet. Even the best doctor can't do that. A physician works with a team of medical professionals to give care. No one patient receives their full attention all the time. The average doctor's office visit is 15 minutes or less. Even if the physician wanted to, he or she could not devote all their time and energy to one patient.

But the Great Physician does. He invites me and you to come and remain in his presence. He offers his full attention to each of us. No one is excluded. No one shortchanged. No one overlooked. No one falls through the cracks. No one minimized or dismissed.

How can this be?

It's simple yet profound: the Helper is the help.

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