Monday, October 19, 2009

What's Going On?

Daniel prophesied the literal reign of God on the earth: "And in the days of the kings the God will heaven will set up kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 2:44).

Daniel saw through time to a moment in human experience when God's kingdom will displace every rival kingdom and crush the proud sovereignty of human rule. God alone will be King.

If that's true, then what's going on? Human governments still rule the earth. They call the shots, make the rules, enforce the law. Not unlike the time when Roman legions captured Jerusalem and ruled the world. It was a time when Jews believed that sovereignty belongs to God alone, therefore, the Romans were unwelcome intruders.

No wonder John the Baptizer sent his disciples to Jesus with this question: "How could Jesus bring the kingdom of God while sinful Rome remains in power?" Jesus answered, "Blessed is he who takes no offense in me." What he meant is this: The kingdom of God is here now, but instead of instead of overthrowing political kingdoms, it is overthrowing the rule of sin and Satan as it transforms the inner lives of men and women.

So, what's going on? The kingdom of God comes in two stages. Presently, God's kingdom has come quietly, unobtrusively, secretly. It works in the souls of people without calling attention to itself. The gospel of the kingdom is an offer that may be accepted or rejected. It comes with quiet persuasion not loud coercion.

However, stage two is on the way. In God's good time, at the end of the age, God will invade human history. This time He will not come quietly, but in power and great glory. God will smash every rival, destroy every political force, purge all sin and evil from the earth. And God alone will rule and reign.

That's what's going on.

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