Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's Your Cause?

Almost everyone has a cause? What's yours? We are anti or pro something; sometimes, we're anti and pro at the same time.

Causes are everywhere. And they come in a variety of flavors: noble and ignoble, noticed and unnoticed, political and religious, environmental and social, moral and immoral.

Does God have a cause? He must because his kids are involved in God-causes on every level. His cause is our cause! Or, is it the other way around?

Would it shock your grey cells to discover that God doesn't have a cause? Not one.

Would it rearrange your mindset to know that God is not the God of causes--any cause, my cause, your cause? If God were to support a cause it would mean that he is weak, needy and that he can't do what he wants to do without help. His cause would either succeed or fail based on his ability to recruit our participation.

Does the Lord of the universe need human endorsement to succeed?

Think about this: Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him, Psalm 115:3. God's will cannot be strangled by either the presence or absence of our endorsement. God is God. He does whatever He pleases without any limitations or restrictions.

Because he is mercifully patient with us God may bless us in our cause-addictions, at least, for a season. But his goal is to wean us from causes as we mature in our relationship with him.

If God had a cause it would be love--his incredible, selfless, unending, love. Papa's goal is to draw us into his love.

If we must have a cause let it be Papa-God's love. God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life, John 3:16.

Is there a greater cause than this?

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