Where would Jesus go to church?
To my church, of course!
Like faithful Jews in his day, Jesus went to synagogue. But then he didn't have a lot of choices. If Jesus was going to worship, the local synagogue was his only choice.
We have choices. Check out your Yellow Pages. The church-of-your-choice is listed between Chiropractors and Clinics--Mental Health. Interesting companions.
Would Jesus visit High Church? High Church gives the appearance of having everything worked out. The liturgy covers the seasons of our lives. There is something secure, solid, peaceful about repetition of religious ritual like drinking a good cup of coffee every morning at the same time out of the same mug. It fits the moment.
How about Low Church? Would Jesus visit Low Church where unstructured worship and shoot-from-the-hip sermons stir up lazy emotions and excite the soul? In Low Church a quiet service is no service; planning is anathema to the freedom of the Spirit; unstirred emotions a failure. There is something exciting about spontaneity.
Maybe Jesus would be more comfortable in Middle Church where the best of both worlds are embraced--order and freedom, planning and spontaneity? Middle Church may not have God figured out, but they're well on their way. In Middle Church people sit in the same seat, sing the same songs, give the same amount, and listen to variations of the same sermons. Occasionally, something surprises them.
So, where would Jesus go to church? Would he rotate between them all? Would he go at all? Which one does he prefer? High? Low? Middle? Do we know?
"O friend, do you not have a sense of the way to the Father? Then you must press your spirit to bow daily before God, and wait for breathings to you from his Spirit" (Isaac Penington).
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